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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Interview with Potat Lasaro

It's time for another fanfiction author's interview! This time it's with a wonderful supporter, one-time collaborator and phenomenal author, potat lasaro. Below is the transcript of that awesome interview, so give it a read! Who knows what you'll get out of it this time!

Epicocity: What got you into the fandom(s) that you’re currently writing for?

Potat Lasaro (Potat): It was more or less just that I had watched these shows while growing up and had ideas of stories or events that never happened in them. So, one day I decided to just start writing them out. Granted the first few are rather forgettable (and for good reasons).

But I just mainly wanted to get these ideas to actually happen even if they were just a fan-fiction

Epicocity: Any ideas in particular that struck your fancy?

Potat: Well, for a series that I feel no one talks about, Zatch Bell, there were a few characters who were introduced and then written out. One standing out being a demon named Danny who could heal himself from any injury. So what if he and the others who were written out without any actual involvement in the story played actual roles instead of Characters of the Week?

So, I took them and added them into the actual story and tried to work it out....Let's say it didn't work...haha

Epicocity: Ha ha, yeah, that can happen. Are you a part of any community as a writer? Do you enjoy that community?

Potat: I guess you can say I'm part of both the Pokemon and Dragon Ball communities, though outside of writing stories and talking about them on Twitter I don't really do much in them.

They can both be fun to be a part of, but a lot of times they can be frustrating since people are always arguing over little nitpicks such as "A can't be stronger than B since there's no way they could train that much!" even with it being implied it could happen or the reasoning behind the action...

Epicocity: So true, though I'd imagine more for the Dragon Ball community than the Pokémon one.

Potat: Yeah. It's typically worse in the former...though the latter can be frustrating at times.

Epicocity: True enough. Your favorite genre to read or write?

Potat: Reading wise, I enjoy a good adventure with action.  But, the cast has to be something I can enjoy as well.

Writing far I've only ever written adventure based stories since the series I've written for are all like that. I haven't tried to do any other genre...yet.

Epicocity: Your favorite work that you’ve written? Keep in mind, not the one you think is the best, just your favorite.

Potat: Honestly, my favorite would be "Breaking Out of Your Shell" for Zatch Bell. It may have been cancelled since there is no community for that series, but I just really enjoy writing for that series.

Epicocity: What made it so enjoyable?

Potat: Just the original cast that Makoto Raiku created in his story. There are so many different characters to work with and their interactions with not only other cast members but OCs that were created for the story as well.

In a series like that, there are endless interactions that can happen. Granted I never got to the point where the interactions between everyone really hit it off

Epicocity: Describe your favorite scene that you’ve ever written, and why is it so?

Potat: Hmm....that's a little tricky since my favorite scene hasn't been written yet but I'm working to it.

But, out of everything published so far I would have to say Alain vs Ash in the Kalos League Finals for Champions and Crushes. It was just a fun time writing those chapters, especially Ash-Greninja vs Mega Charizard X.

Epicocity: You could tell from the way that the story read, ha ha. Likewise, What do you feel is your magnum opus?

Potat: That is currently in the works. I like to consider the Team Rocket portion of Champions and Crushes being my magnum opus once it's finished...if it all works out how I picture it will of course.

Epicocity: It's all about how it works out, right?

Potat: Yeah, it is how it all works out.

Epicocity: Are there any influences you have as a writer? Why so?

Potat: Writers....I'd be lying if I said no. Personally, I like how Makoto Raiku for how he can handle a cast of around 100 characters and give each of them defining personalities along with arcs about each of them even if some are shorter than others. I also tend to follow Akira Toriyama when it comes to listening to requests: don't. By that I mean if someone asks you to include a certain character, don't unless you actually have plans for them. If you can't think of anything useful for them, there's no point to just please fans with a lackluster showing of a character.

Other fanfic authors I look to tend to be both AmourshippingCanon and Epicocity. The latter for learning how to stay in one form of Third Person Limited when writing.

Epicocity: Following that, Any particular favorite works? Why those?

Potat: Are these just fanfics or any works?

Epicocity: Both, really. You can do one, the other or both.

Potat: Alright then... For some stories, that I really loved reading, I enjoyed Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series along with A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.

Fanfics I have enjoyed would have to be the Kalos Trilogy of the Ancienverse by Epicocity along with Gotta Catch That One by AmourshippingCanon. Others would have to be Memories by 11JJ11 and Lights of Laverre by EllisW.

And of course I can't end it without mentioning my all time favorite work: Dragon Ball...

Epicocity: Series of Unfortunate Events was fun back in the day, ha ha. Favorite scene from any others works?

Potat: A favorite scene...this one is easy for me. No doubt it is Goku first transforming into a Super Saiyan. Just the entire scene still excites me to this day.

Epicocity: Always great to have those scenes that excite you constantly. Does that particular scene ever inspire your own works?

Potat: Honestly? No..haha....But, there is a moment that does. Later on near the end of the Buu arc where everything seems done for and hope manages to poke its head through thanks to Vegeta's quick thinking. Along with another scene by Vegeta which is right up there in my top 5 moments of DB...

Epicocity: Describe your writing process?

Potat: First I jot down a few ideas I would like to try and write and from there I narrow it down to one single idea to focus on.

From that point, I then come up with a list of possible characters that I would like to include and how each would be useful to this potential story. If they are deemed expandable or I'm not able to come up with a use for them I cross them out.

From there, I come up with a summary before then going into a bullet point outline for each and every chapter. Once finished with the outline I tend to go back and read through and edit the outline, cutting out anything that doesn't really fit or adding something that may make the story better in the long run. This tends to happen about two or three times per story.

Once everything is in order I begin to write the chapter, finishing it and then rereading it. As I read through, I'll edit or completely change a section I don't feel works well and in some cases rewrite an entire chapter if I don't like the finished product.

Epicocity: Certainly an exhaustive process, but one that works well for producing a good product.

Potat: Yeah it can get tiring, but it's just how I am...

Epicocity: Have you ever thought about branching into other fandoms?

Potat: Yes, I have thought so. I recently rewatched Yu Yu Hakusho and it's just an overall good story I wouldn't mind getting involved in with its fandom.

Other series include My Hero Academia and a bigger involvement in Star Wars.

Epicocity: Any upcoming tidbits you’d like to talk about?

Potat: Without giving any spoilers, the Rocket arc in Champions and Crushes and getting towards the climax and will be gaining steam until finally finished. Once that's completed though, a certain match that Ash has been waiting for is right around the corner.

Otherwise I have a sequel to Champions and Crushes I'm working on that picks up after some events at the end of C&C. But I can't talk about it just yet without giving anything away

Epicocity: It all sounds rather exciting as the story moves towards its conclusion.

Potat: I hope it sounds exciting, but I tend to overthink too often when writing...

Epicocity: Any words to give to aspiring writers that you’d like to share?

Potat: Just write about what you love. Whatever you love whether it's a certain tv show, manga, cartoon, comic, movie, sport, anything, just write about it and continue to practice. Also, read. Reading other works can help you pick up on mistakes you make in your own works by seeing how others do.

Epicocity: Good words, especially for those that can suffer writer's block. Thanks a lot for your time in this interview.

Potat: No problem. Thanks for having me for it!

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