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Friday, April 6, 2012

TO CATCH A KILLER Author Notes Chapters 1 and 2

For those of you who do know, I have an account on Fan Fiction under the same pen name of Epicocity. Lately I have created a Fan Fiction called TO CATCH A KILLER in the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom. I think this is truly my greatest work so far and I'm attempting to make it my very best.

Chapter 1:
This chapter opens up with Roy, Havoc, and Riza as police detectives at the scene of a crime. I've always wanted to read a good crime story ever since I got this idea in my head that it would transfer nicely to this kind of universe. Part of my goal was also to bring in a lot of characters from the canon. To this end, you see Ross, Brosh, Rose and of course the dead Cain who was mentioned multiple times in the first two chapters of FMA and now is finally seen...albeit dead.

Furthermore, Ed's role as a Forensics specialist seemed to fit, given Ed's reliance on science throughout much of the story.. Beyond those I have dropped little hints throughout the chapter to set up for the larger plot as a whole. In particular the ending, albeit slightly cryptic sets a tone for Roy's character overall.

Chapter 2:
Moving into the second chapter, the reader should notice that we are operating from Ed's Third-person POV. In fact, as we go through the story you may notice that this is actually a writing scheme I will stick with through the story: Roy, Ed, Roy, Ed, etc. You may also notice that this chapter is a bit softer than the gritty police work of Roy's, contrasting deeply between Roy's cold and dark apartment and Ed's warm home with Winry (and of course later Al). Here is more of a relationship set-up than actual plot including Ed's relationship with his father and something that "caused Al to wince". A truth revealed in the following chapter. You also get a glimpse of Ed's past in this respective AU.

Well, I think that's all for now, but if you have more questions, feel free to comment and ask and I'll do my best to answer in the context of the story.

Dare to Be Silly

Monday, March 5, 2012


So I decided to start this blog for several reasons, and as I am a list oriented individual I will post why.

1) I write fan fiction and my stories are often complicated with much thought behind them. To this point I can give insight to any who want it.

2) I play a lot of video games and listen to their soundtracks and wish to review them here.

3) I think a lot. My thoughts may be boring but I hope you'd like to hear them.

Hopefully this will be an enriching process for us all.