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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Why Serena Is the Best Written Pokemon Anime Character

Serena, of Pokémon XY/Z fame, is a particularly controversial character inside the Pokémon anime fanbase. Some view her as utter shipping trash bait, others view her as a goddess, giving things such as #SerenaSaturday (a concept I find ridiculous, but it proves my point). Regardless of your thoughts on her, there is also an in-between ground: those who find her character good, but not goddess level. I mean, let's face it, no one can be as well written as certain other anime characters.

That said, this particular post will delve into my own personal opinion about why Serena is the best-written character. To do so, I'll be offering comparisons to characters old and new, tackling some criticisms I've heard and overall giving an analytical view of her. Note, this will leave behind my shipping preference entirely. Yes, I am an Amourshipper, but that's only a part of Serena's character, one that must be discussed, but definitely not the whole, and thus will not play as large a part.

That said, let's get right to it.

Monday, June 12, 2017

The DOs and DON'Ts of Writing (Fanfiction)

I'm sure there are a ton of posts out there about writing, and all the different skills and specialties and things you need to become a peerless writer. They may also be better suited to telling you all these sorts of things than a humble fanfiction and blog author such as myself. However, in light of seeing numerous stories that simply fly in the face of reason with how poorly they can be done, I felt the need to discuss some dos and don'ts.

I hope you'll bear with me here, along with some of my various thoughts, and become a better writer in the end.