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Monday, July 31, 2017

August Seminars: How to Write a Fanfiction Summary (Or Any in General)

Summaries. Those wonderfully tricky things that cue a reader, player or viewer into what they are about to experience. It's a short thing that makes or breaks the entire thing for whether or not that product will be experienced.

Thus, it is one of the most vital parts of publishing any story, or fanfiction. Without it, you are lost. So here, as someone who has written over 30 of the little things, I'm going to help craft an amazing summary with little tips. I hope you'll all enjoy the first of this August seminar on writing!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Review of the Arc: Alvarez Arc of Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail is finished. At 545 chapters, it finally ended. Not that it was the easiest of roads.

Like any story, Fairy Tail had its series of missteps. High points and low points combined. However, this series holds a rather special place in my heart. I found Fairy Tail when I was at a very low point in my life; or rather, that was when I really got into it. I didn't consider it that great until around the time of the Tenrou Island Arc, and it was the Grand Magic Games that made me fall in love with the series. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am.

And that includes the Alvarez Arc. It's this arc, the final arc of the series, which I will be reviewing below.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Why You Should Use and NOT Wattpad

As a fanfiction writer (and writer in general, I suppose), I've had the great pleasure of posting my works online and sharing them with the public of like interests. In particular, I've used the site At the time I started posting, around 2007 or so, it was pretty much the only one that I was aware of. Obviously, as I emerged as a more prominent Amourshipping writer, I became aware of other sites, namely Archive of Our Own (AO3) and Wattpad. Now, I'm not an expert on AO3, so it will not factor into the post here, but I am familiar enough with Wattpad to a degree.

And to this point, I came to the conclusion that Wattpad...shouldn't be used. Not for anyone looking to have a well-written story, which everyone should ascribe to. So, in this post, I'll give the various reasons as to why I prefer Fanfiction, and why Wattpad shouldn't be used, particularly within the Pokèmon fandom.