There's a virus in the Pokémon Anime community. It's rather unfortunate, and it's rather unsettling. Left untreated, it will lead to a horrible disease known as "SM Perfection Acceptance". To this end, one must clear up this virus before it spreads too far and allows people to impose their 100% Acceptance rate on the newest season of the Pokémon Anime.
What is this virus, you ask? Why, it's simple.
It's called "Misconceptions about Pokémon XY".
But Epicocity, you've already covered XY? Why are you talking about it again? Because people are really, really stupid. I wish there was a nicer to way to put this, but there isn't. When it comes to XY, people are dumb as bricks. If literally any other series were to do it, it'd probably be praised, but since it's XY, you know, gotta hate it. Deep? Nah. XY is shallow!
These misconceptions have created something very, very dark in the community, and it's time to set the record straight. "But you're just an XY fanboy!" I'm a fan, yes, but I can also think, which is something that appears to be in short supply in the community today because people are really dumb.
So, as a public service announcement, let's go!