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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pokémon XYZ 32 and Its Brilliant Writing

XYZ 32, or a A League of His Own (as named by the dub), is probably one of, if not the, most hated League openers ever created by the general Pokémon fandom. From words like "clickbait", "lackluster", "horribly paced" and "too much" thrown around, you'd be hard pressed to find a single positive opinion about it. Heck, this goes for most of the Kalos League in general.

I, however, take a complete opposite opinion: XYZ 32 is one of the most perfectly written episodes of the series for what it tries to accomplish.

It probably sounds like I'm a fanboy of everything XY, though I'll be the first to admit that the Kalos League could have been done better in places. Just not this episode. While I'll go more in depth with that when I do my comprehensive multi-part XY review (coming soon), for now, I want to discuss the episode that started it and prove why it's simply one of the best, especially when it comes to writing and animation.

Note, this will be a different style of post than my usual blog posts.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

August Seminars: How to Set the Tone of a Story

We've spent the last month showing setting up your writing and diving into that mysterious and difficult world. However, I've never so much as dipped my toe into the world of actually helping you to write, itself. In this final seminar for the month, I'm going to talk about something very difficult, very abstract, and extremely important: tone.

Time for the final August Seminar to begin! (sorry that it's actually September but things happened)